#TBT: Chamber Choir

I had reason this week to revisit a recording from Ball State University Chamber Choir’s 2004 tour of several Midwestern states. Our closer was Koepke’s arrangement of “Wade in the water.” The arrangement is pretty stunning, and the singing on this is mighty fine. Twenty years later, I’m happy to revisit this recording. And here’sContinue reading “#TBT: Chamber Choir”

#TBT: 1995

Why did I have a Coke can beside me? I do not like Coke, much preferring Diet Pepsi which I’ve now been drinking for thirty+ years! Anyhow, I thought of this promo shot the other day, and though to share it again. My teaching at Blue River Community College (then Longview CC, Blue Springs Campus)Continue reading “#TBT: 1995”

#TBT: Coe fen

I had breakfast with my mentor John Schaefer this weekend in Kansas City. We were chatting about my trip to England six months ago, and I told him about attending Stephen Layton’s final Evensong at Trinity College, Cambridge. And I teared up talking about COE FEN. Here’s the webcast from that Evensong:

#TBT: Pre-school

I’m thinking back to my pre-schooling days. When I was tyke, socialization was achieved in church nursery and in playing with neighborhood kids. And perhaps a church social after Sunday evening services. And with cousins at family events. I don’t recall that my sister Karen or I went to pre-school at all. Of course weContinue reading “#TBT: Pre-school”