Euro18: and home

I woke on Friday morning to the iPad NOAA warning about extreme temperatures at Rienosslsgasse 3 in Vienna. Fortunately, I was home in Saint Louis with moderate weather, but more humidity. At some point my iPad will figure out that I’m in the USA. I certainly know that I am! Witness: Iced tea!! I wentContinue reading “Euro18: and home”

Dublin cathedrals

Dublin has two Church of Ireland cathedrals, just a few blocks from each other. While I don’t understand this, and haven’t done my research, I did visit both cathedrals today. St. Patrick’s is the more impressive and ornate.  Sir Charles Villiers Stanford (a favorite composer) is commemorated there, since he spent the first and formativeContinue reading “Dublin cathedrals”

The Feast of John the Baptist

Today is the feast of St. John the Baptist.  The Feast of the Incarnation of Christ (Christmas!) is but six months away. Almighty God, by whose providence your servant John the Baptist was wonderfully born, and sent to prepare the way of your Son our Savior by preaching repentance: Make us so to follow hisContinue reading “The Feast of John the Baptist”


And so Advent arrives.  The Christian year is complete, and the cycle of story and parable, song and prayer, starts over again. I welcomed Advent this evening after dark by singing an Advent I Vigil Mass at the Church of Saint Michael and Saint George in Clayton.  Then I dined with colleagues from the choir,Continue reading “Advent”

Mystic sweet communion

We opened the service today with the great and wonderful hymn “The Church’s one foundation.” The last verse, as it reads in the Episcopal hymnal (since many versions of this poetry exist), is: Yet she on earth hath union With the God the Three in One, And mystic sweet communion With those whose rest isContinue reading “Mystic sweet communion”